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Comparison of European water prices

A mere comparison of water prices in cubic meter fails to reflect the true price of water. At the conference “Our Future Water”, Friederike Lauruschkus presented updated results of a study that allows for better comparisons on an international level. Presentation, Our Future Water - Comparisons of water prices across Europe, Berlin, November 07, 2018.

European drinking water systems differ a lot with respect to their infrastructure, quality, and financing. To compare the actual costs and prices of drinking water, these factors should be taken into consideration. In her presentation at the conference “Our Future Water”, Friederike Lauruschkus presented results of a study that focuses on these factors for six European countries. For this purpose, the results of a previous study have been updated and allow for new perspectives on European water prices. Finally, her presentation suggests a method that allows for comparisons with even more countries.

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