Trendsetting solutions for the public sector are our passion
Publication of the 8th Rail Market Monitoring Survey Report
The European Commission’s Rail Market Monitoring Survey (RMMS) reports on the evolution of the rail market and services supplied by railway undertakings, the framework conditions of the railway market, the state of the railway network in the European Union, the utilisation of access rights as well as barriers and limitations for services and infrastructure. civity supported the preparation of data and figures and has also drafted the accompanying Staff Working Document.
civity becomes part of Ramboll Management Consulting
Over the past thirteen years, we have built something very special with civity. Together, we have invested a lot of work, heart and soul, as well as passion. Thanks to the trust you have placed in us time and again, we can now proudly call ourselves market and thought leaders in our core sectors. During this time, our team of excellent and highly dedicated consultants has also grown continuously – to almost 50 “civitians” by now. Today, as an owner-managed company, we have reached a size that requires a fundamental decision for further growth, which we also want to achieve together with you in the coming years: do we wish to accomplish this on our own, or should we rather look for a partner with whom we can complement each other and thereby create new opportunities for further joint development?
Industry focus: Mergers in vogue as transport market draws interest
| Frank Zschoche
The public transport sector is increasingly attracting interest. In recent years, its market potential and changing requirements have led to increasing M&A activity throughout the industry from OEMs to manufacturers and operators.