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matters No. 1 – Urban mobility in transition?

civity recently finalised a study on Free-Floating-Carsharing (FFC) in major cities using available “big data” inputs. The focal point of the study is an evaluation of the relevance of such systems, both from economic and traffic perspectives. The key results were recently published.

Car manufacturers around the world are establishing so called Free Floating Carsharing Systems (FFC) in large cities. Smart, compact cars can be reserved using a smartphone and can be dropped off anywhere within the system’s defined operating boundaries. Users pay per minute; petrol and parking costs are included in the rate. According to Stefan Weigele, Partner at civity Management Consultants and lead author of the study: “Free Floating Car Sharing Systems have made carsharing attractive to a market beyond the environmentally conscious customer – FFC attracts a broad, pragmatic and urban clientele. One of the more interesting findings is that these systems have basically zero impact on traffic in cities, yet, when analysed from a global perspective, have significant revenue potential for Daimler, BMW and other FFC providers.”